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أخر الأخبار

The Syrian Negotiation Commission holds a consultative meeting on reparations for victims of detention and enforced disappearance

The Syrian Negotiation Commission (SNC) held a consultative meeting on the issue of reparations for victims of detention and enforced disappearance, and the issues of truth commissions and their role in transitional justice, in the Turkish city of Gaziantep.

According to the (SNC)’s statement, Many human rights, legal and civil society activists attended the meeting, with the participation of the SNC head, Badr Jamous, SNC members, Tarek al-Kurdi and Alise Mofrej, the lawyer Yasser al-Farhan from the Mizan Organization for Legal Studies and Human Rights, and brigadier general Abdulbaset Abdulatif, head of the legal office in the “National Coalition”, and Counselor Fakhr al-Aryan, director of the documentation department in the Syrian Interim Government.

During the meeting, Jamous stressed the importance of participation and exchanging views with Syrian legal experts and specialists, and also participation with the families of victims, missing persons, male and female survivors, to formulate programs for transitional justice and programs for reparation, and to adopt the demands and opinions of those affected and then share them with active international parties, which is what the Commission seeks.

Jamous prioritized the issue of detainees and missing persons as a basic humanitarian issue, and any political solution will not be accepted until this issue is addressed.

Jamous stressed the need for comprehending the requests of the victims and their families, especially since it is one of the provisions of UNSCR 2254, which includes the points that must be worked on to reach a political solution through implementing the UNSCR 2254.

Jamous stated that the SNC will not miss this issue in all its work, and seeks to share work and visions with the largest segment of Syrian civil society and human rights and legal organizations.

The head of the SNC’s legal office, the lawyer Tarek al-Kurdi, made a brief presentation on truth commissions and their role in transitional justice, and the head of the SNC’s detainees commission, Alise Mofrej, made another brief presentation on the issues of reparation for victims of arbitrary detention and immediate disappearance, according to the statement.

The statement made it clear that the participants enriched the workshop with in-depth discussions, confirming the clearness of vision and in-depth knowledge of the details of this file, and emphasizing the development of Syrian expertise and skills in civil society organizations, and how proposals can be designed to suit their conditions and solve their problems based on the international guidelines and standards.

The SNC pointed out at the end of the statement that this workshop comes as a continuation of a series of workshops and meetings held by the SNC inside Syria and the neighborhoods, and is an introduction to other similar meetings, which will be with international parties in Geneva, with the aim of drafting a living paper that can be developed on the above-mentioned issues.

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