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In English

The Syrian Coalition: Assad regime deals with Syria in immoral way and ignores Syrians’ tragedies

Secretary-General of the Syrian Opposition Coalition (SOC), Haithm Rahma, affirmed that Assad regime has been dealing with Syria in immoral way and ignoring the tragedies and crisis over the previous years.

Following the recent statements by Bashar al-Assad, Rahma said in a post on “X” platform: “Assad regime is still dealing with the Whole Syria in immoral way and disregarding the tragedies and crisis which caused by it over the previous years, and its media is detached from reality talking about parties, committees, and authority”

Rahma pointed out that What Assad regime hides is completely exposed. All the people know the so-called Baath party is the same Assad regime, and it cannot be separated.

Since the Baath party coup in 1963 and Hafez al-Assad coming to power, Syria has entered a dark tunnel prevailed by oppression, murder, detention, and forcibly disappearances which exacerbated by the murderous Bashar through the use of chemical weapons, barrel bombs and other horrible atrocities.

Rahma added that Syria has become since that time the single-party state which controlled over all the joints of the state, including the government, the army, security services, media, economy and others.

Rahma emphasized that the Syrian people made great sacrifices for the sake of redemption of the Assad regime and the controlling of the one party as well as reaching freedom, political pluralism, and the rule of law. The Syrian people’s demands remain unwavering and they are still insisting on achieving justice by holding Assad regime accountable for its crimes.

Bashar al-Assad’s statements and interviews contain many controversial points and sarcasm, especially its attempt to portray itself in a philosophical and arrogant way, seeking to get out of its real character as he is just a mean killer.       

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