In English
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Assad’s Foreign Ministry: United States must immediately withdraw from Syria

Assad regime’s Foreign Ministry said in a statement that “The United States must immediately withdraw from the Syrian territories.”

The statement came after the Assad regime accused Syrian Democratic Forces of carrying out attacks against the people in Deir Ezzor city in eastern Syria.

The statement added that “US backed Syria Democratic Forces carried out attacks on our people in Deir Ezzor, Al-Hasakah, and Al-Qamishli in addition to other areas in eastern and northeastern areas.”

The statement pointed out that “US planes supported the Syria Democratic Forces through launching several airstrikes targeting innocent civilians who are defending their families, villages, and assets.”

The statement added that “The US army controlling part of Syrian territories is a blatant violation of Syria’s sovereignty, Unity, and territorial integrity and that the United States’ support for its proxy separatist militias represents a cheap tool to implement its anti-Syrian schemes.”

The statement called on “the United States to stop these practices, immediately withdraw from Syrian territory, and respect the will of Syrians who reject the presence and role of such separatist militias”.

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