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Military maneuvers of the international coalition with the participation of Al-Thawra Commandos Faction in Al-Tanf area

The military spokesman for the international coalition in Operation” Inherent Resolve”, Colonel “Wayne Marotto”, announced that night military exercises will be held in the Al-Tanf area, with the participation of the Commandos of the Revolution.

Marotto said, in a tweet on his Twitter account, yesterday, Saturday, that “the commandos of the revolution partnered in Syria helped the international coalition to enter the new year with mortar shells and missiles (HIMARS),” adding: “Good training to celebrate the year 2021.”

He added, “The coalition remains steadfast in its commitment to support our partners in Syria to defeat ISIS.” The US Air Force had previously conducted military maneuvers in the “55 kilometers” area, to protect the area from any threat, indicating that US forces carried out at the time Successful training air strikes near the Tanf garrison.

The Commando Revolutionary Brigade broadcast a video recording of the night maneuvers in which it used the advanced US missile system (HIMARS) and illuminated mortars.

In the context, Marotto talked about the outcome of the operations of the international coalition against ISIS in Syria and Iraq during the month of December, and said in a separate tweet on Twitter, “Our partners in Iraq and Syria carried out 55 operations against ISIS and were able to deter 31 leaders. In the organization and 56 terrorists who committed terrorist acts against citizens.

Since 2018, the American forces and the Maghawir al-Thawra faction have intensified their maneuvers and training, and have repeatedly emphasized that the aim is to ensure that ISIS and Iranian militias do not reach the 55 km area in Al-Tanf.

Source: Agencies

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