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In English

Trump will not attend Biden’s inauguration

US President Donald Trump said in a tweet on Friday that he will not attend the inauguration of President-elect Joe Biden on January 20, after hours of his promise of a smooth transition of power.

This is the first time that Trump has made clear his position on attending the inauguration of his successor Biden, whose election results were approved by Congress, on Wednesday.

Thus, Trump became the first American president to refuse to attend the inauguration of his successor in more than a century and a half, when former US President Andrew Johnson, who held the presidency of the United States between 1865 and 1869, refused to attend the inauguration of his successor.

The current US House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi is also calling for Trump to be dismissed, or to activate Article 25 of the US Constitution regarding the removal of the president from office, against the background of pro-Trump protesters storming the US Congress building, on Wednesday.

Pelosi called for Trump to be isolated or stepped down, fearing for the fate of the United States during the next 12 days, which is the last period in Trump’s rule.

Two days ago, supporters of Trump stormed the Congress building when his deputy and members of his family were inside to participate in the certification of the results of the US presidential elections, raising a wide storm of criticism against an incident described by his rival Biden as one of the worst days in American history.

The storming of Congress killed 5 people, including a woman who was among the protesters, who was shot dead by police.

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