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In English

Iran announces the start of work on a new nuclear reactor

A spokesman for the National Security and Foreign Policy Committee of the Iranian Parliament, “Abu Al-Fadl Amoui,” announced that his country is working on designing a nuclear reactor similar to that of “Arak”.

“The Atomic Energy Organization is working at the present time according to a timetable to design a reactor similar to the Arak heavy water reactor, before making updates to it,” Amouei said in an interview with Fars.

“During today’s meeting of the National Security and Foreign Policy Committee, which was attended by Assistant Head of the Atomic Energy Organization and Assistant Foreign Minister Behrouz Kamalondi, they discussed how to implement the Strategic Procedure Law to abolish the ban and preserve people’s rights,” Amoumi added.

He pointed out that Kamalandi confirmed during the meeting that the Iranian Ministry of Foreign Affairs had made clear in its international contacts that the “strategic procedure to end the ban” law had passed all its legal stages, stressing that “we will not allow foreign parties to violate this law.”

The Iranian parliament had issued a decision to resume uranium enrichment by 20 percent to investigate what he described as the country’s interests.

The Iranian steps come amid an atmosphere of escalation in tension between Iran and the United States, whose government led by Donald Trump withdrew in 2018 from the nuclear agreement signed in 2015.

The nuclear agreement with Iran aims to limit its nuclear program in an effort to prevent it from developing a nuclear weapon, and to manufacture this weapon, Iran needs to enrich uranium by at least 95 percent, and the agreement aims to restrict Iran’s nuclear program so that it cannot manufacture nuclear weapons in exchange for lifting economic sanctions.

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