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Molham Volunteering Team inaugurates the “Aziz Housing Community” to accommodate the displaced

Molham’s volunteer team inaugurated the “Aziz Housing Compound”, which was launched in the seventh month of 2020 within the framework of the 1000-room program to accommodate displaced families who were staying in random camps in the city of Azaz in the northern countryside of Aleppo.

Engineer Baraa Babli, Director of the Shelter Department in the Molham Volunteer Team, and the supervisor of the “Aziz Housing Community” project for Furniture Online, said: “The first phase of Aziz housing project has been completed. Start soon ”.

The engineer, Baraa Babli, added: “The aim of the project is to secure housing for families who have recently been displaced from their areas, due to the military escalation and displacement campaigns.”

Babli added, “The families who will live in the project have been selected according to special criteria, including being displaced and has no shelter or living in a shelter that is not fit for housing, in addition to preference criteria such as widows, orphans and families without a breadwinner.”

Pictures and videos, broadcast by members of Molham’s volunteer team, showed the feelings of joy and pleasure that befell the displaced people who accepted the project as they moved from the random tents in which they were staying, to the “Aziz Housing Complex” project, which was equipped with houses made of bricks.

And recently, Turkish Interior Minister Suleiman Soylu announced the completion of construction of 30,000 brick houses for the displaced in Idlib Governorate, where Soylu pledged that the houses would be ready by the end of this January.

It is noteworthy that the millions of displaced people who fled from the bombing of the Assad regime and Russia and left their cities, towns and villages over the past years, are residing in camps in northern Syria, where the number of camps in northwestern Syria reached 1,304 camps, and those camps witnessed many crises, such as fires and erosion as a result of torrents.

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