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In English

New Turkish military reinforcements to Idlib

On Friday morning, a Turkish army convoy entered the fourth de-escalation zone in Idlib, northwestern Syria, as part of reinforcements that Turkey sends continuously to support its military points.

A large Turkish army convoy entered the Kafrlossin military crossing, and it includes several tanks and heavy artillery, various heavy military vehicles, ammunition trucks and logistical equipment.

The correspondent added that the military convoy headed to Jabal Al-Zawiya, south of Idlib, and was distributed among the Turkish army points in the area, close to the contact lines with the Assad regime forces.

Turkey is continuously working to push military reinforcements to the Idlib region, as part of its efforts to protect the people from the violations of the Assad regime and the Russian forces, and to prevent them from launching any military action that causes new waves of displacement and humanitarian catastrophe. There are more than 60 Turkish military posts in northern Syria, based on agreements between Moscow, Ankara and Iran, which are distributed over the governorates of Idlib, Aleppo, Hama and Latakia.

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