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In English

Erdogan: We are ranked first in Europe in the field of thermal power generation

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said: “Turkey ranks first in Europe in the field of generating electricity by geothermal energy.”

This came in a speech, today, Saturday, during his participation by video call from Istanbul, in the opening ceremony of a number of projects in the field of energy and natural resources in the state of Manisa, western Turkey.

He added, “The total value of the four projects opened today amounts to $ 1.37 billion,” expressing his hope that they will carry goodness to Manisa and its residents.

He pointed out that the government spent 27 billion pounds (a dollar equivalent to about 7.5 pounds) on projects to extend natural gas during his reign.

He pointed out that all the 81 Turkish states were now enjoying natural gas networks during his reign, after they were spread in only 5 of them before 2002.

He indicated that natural gas was delivered to 39 Turkish regions and towns in 2020, despite the Corona pandemic, stressing that energy projects will continue throughout the country during the current year as well.

He also added: “Turkey, thanks to this development, has risen to the first place in Europe, and the fourth in the world in generating electricity using geothermal energy.”

It is noteworthy that Turkey has achieved during the last twenty years a tangible renaissance at various industrial and commercial levels, as it is considered one of the 20 largest economies in the world, and it is a member of what is known as the Group of Twenty, in addition to being about 7% of its defense needs, which it began exporting recently.

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