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In English

Washington: The return of Syrian refugees to their country remains unfavorable and far-fetched

The United States of America said: “The conditions in Syria for the return of Syrian refugees to their country are still not favorable, and they are, in fact, far-fetched.”

During an international event in Geneva on Syrian refugees and displaced persons, organized by the Syrian Negotiating Committee, the Chargé d’Affairs of the United States Mission to the United Nations, said: “His country opposes any efforts to pressure Syrians to return to their homes before these conditions are met.”

“I want to be very clear on this point,” Kassairn added. “Any return of refugees must be voluntary, and with full awareness, as it must be in safety and dignity to their place of origin or a place of their choosing.”

“As long as the Assad regime actively ignores every aspect of Security Council Resolution 2254, it is unlikely that we will witness significant progress in the conditions that lead to the return of refugees on a large scale,” the US official said.

He pointed out that “a permanent solution to the Syrian conflict, which will help pave the way for a sustainable return of refugees, is only possible through the political process specified in Security Council Resolution 2254.”

He stressed that the United States will remain committed to its role in providing assistance to the Syrian people, and will continue to support the Syrian people until such time that the Syrians are able to return to their homes voluntarily, in safety and with dignity.

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