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In English

The US State Department condemns the recent explosions in northern Aleppo countryside

The United States condemned the terrorist attacks that took place in Azaz, Al-Bab and Afrin in the northern countryside of Aleppo, which resulted in the death of more than 20 civilians at least, including children.

In a statement issued by the US State Department spokesman, “Ned Price,” Washington offered its sincere condolences to the families of the dead civilians, wishing a speedy recovery for the wounded in what it described as “despicable and meaningless acts of violence.”

Ned Price indicated that those responsible for the violence must be brought to justice because their actions endanger the Syrian people and threaten to further destabilize the region.

He expressed Washington’s concern about the recent increase in terrorist attacks in northern Syria, calling for the perpetrators to be held accountable.

Several areas in the liberated northern countryside of Aleppo suffer from repeated explosions carried out by cells using car and bicycle bombs, which killed dozens of civilians.

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