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In English

An American general warns of the resurgence of ISIS in the Middle East

General Kenneth Mackenzie, Commander of the US Central Command, in a speech delivered at the Washington Research Center warned of the resurgence of ISIS, and that his country’s estimates indicate the presence of about 10,000 ISIS fighters in Syria.

“ISIS will continue in the form of an insurgency, and will try to renew itself in the Middle East and outside it, and develop its goals,” General Mckinsei said, according to Al-Hurra.

Mcknsei stressed “the need for continued vigilance, enhanced cooperation, and support for local partners to defeat ISIS, and to prevent the revival of its extremist ideas.”

He also warned of the emergence of a new generation of supporters of ISIS through the spread of its ideas among the detainees in the camps that are not supervised by the United States in Syria and Iraq.

“There are about 10,000 ISIS fighters in the concentration camps, of whom 2,000 are foreigners,” Mckinsei said.

He added, “There is a possibility of escaping from these camps, which are not supervised by the United States, and this could restore ISIS activity,” referring to the detention camps run by the Syrian Democratic Forces.

He stressed that “the conditions in Al-Hol camp, northern Syria, are very difficult and dangerous, as about 62 thousand are being held there, most of them women and children.”

Mackenzie expressed his concern about the difficult conditions in these camps, which may increase the possibility of the outbreak of Corona virus or cholera, and thus the loss of lives, but the greatest danger is “the ideology of those in these camps.”

McKinsey noted that the US presence in the Middle East “has brought deterrence to the Iranian regime.”

The Islamic State has recently intensified its attacks targeting military convoys of the Assad regime forces and Iranian militias, by setting up ambushes and lightning strikes, in the countryside of Deir Ezzor, Raqqa, eastern Homs, eastern Hama.

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