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In English

Iranian militias use UN containers as weapons depots

Media sources revealed that the Iranian militias in Syria used United Nations containers as weapons depots, yesterday, Saturday.

The sources stated that Iranian militias impose heavy security around these containers, noting that they are only 200 meters away from the main campus of Damascus International Airport.

The same sources indicated that the Iranian militias transfer some of the cargo that arrives in Syria through Damascus International Airport for several days, pending its transfer to one of its warehouses.

The sources confirmed that the number of containers exceeds the 25 containers of different sizes, which were previously used to store the materials of the DHL shipping company, and others are for storing materials brought by the United Nations to Syria, before they were transferred to Iranian weapons warehouses.

Aerial photos published by Israeli websites a few days ago showed destruction in warehouses belonging to Iranian militias at Damascus International Airport, located in the vicinity of the runways for civil aviation, which were used to store weapons and missiles.

It is noteworthy that Iran controls a port in Latakia and several facilities of the Assad regime, including transportation networks, in the context of competition with Russia to control the economic capabilities in Syria.

Source: Agencies

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