In English

The National Coalition: The international community has the necessary mechanism to confront the Russian obstruction of the solution in Syria

The Syrian National Coalition said in a statement published on its official knowledge that the international community has the necessary legal and legitimate mechanism to confront the Russian obstruction of the political solution in Syria.

In an exclusive interview with Fresh Online, Ruba Habboush, the official spokesperson for the coalition and the vice president of the coalition, said: “One of the legal mechanisms is the implementation of the principle of union for peace, which the United Nations General Assembly issued a resolution on in November 1950, bearing the number 377, and stipulating the necessity .

That the United Nations General Assembly assume its responsibilities in protecting international peace and security, even if the use of military force is required.

A member of the political body of the National Coalition, Yasser Al-Farhan, told Fresh Online: “The UN Security Council issued decisions that draw the shape of the political process, during which he clarified the goal of this process, which is to reach a transitional governing body with full executive powers, in accordance with United Nations General Assembly Resolution 262, and this body includes the authorities
The presidency and the government and oversees the security and army tasks.

Al-Farhan added that “Resolutions 2118 and 2254 are clear by including the Geneva Communiqué and the period of time supposed to implement them, which includes a transitional governing body with full executive powers, a draft of a new constitution for the country, and free elections under the supervision of the United Nations within a period not exceeding 18 months.

Al-Farhan confirmed that the decisions were accepted by the Syrian opposition and the Syrians, who is responsible for their implementation and the bodies that issued and agreed to them, and the Security Council that has the power to oblige the various parties to respect human rights and refer those involved to the International Criminal Court, and can ignore the Russian obstruction by submitting draft decisions.

To confront Russia as a party to the conflict under Chapter VI, and he can take the issue out of the Security Council and implement the principle of the Union for Peace in the United Nations General Assembly, as well as create a coalition from a number of countries to save the Syrian people from the war crimes committed against them.

Abdel Majid Barakat, a member of the political committee in the coalition, said in an exclusive interview with Fresh Online, “Until now the United Nations is dealing with the Syrian file as a facilitator and coordinator between the various international parties in its management and resolution of the Syrian file, and this matter makes the United Nations ineffective and the goal for which it was established
Therefore, there must be a mechanism taken within the United Nations in order to impose a solution on all parties to maintain international peace and security, which happened in several previous cases where many files were referred from the Security Council to the United Nations General Assembly.

Al-Barakat stresses that the solution must begin with diplomatic support and real international will and neutralization of the parties to the conflict within the Security Council, to come up with an outcome in it or refer the file to the United Nations General Assembly that takes decisions that are binding on all parties.

Barakat explained: “If this matter happens within the Security Council and the United Nations, it will reflect positively on the progress of the political process in Geneva, and it will also positively affect the implementation of Resolution 2254 issued by the United Nations, which was approved by the states active in the Syrian file.”

On January 25, negotiations for the fifth round of the Syrian Constitutional Committee failed due to the Assad regime’s rejection of the committee’s contents.

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