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In English

Joe Biden: Iran cannot get away with it

Responding to the air strikes carried out by the American army in eastern Syria, US President Joe Biden said: “Iran will not get away with it.”

This came while traveling to Texas to inspect the damage caused by a strong winter storm, when journalists asked him about his message to Iran from behind the air strikes, and he replied: “You cannot get away with it. Beware.”

Pentagon spokesman John Kirby told a news conference that the ministry had a perception about casualties in the raid, and that it was still assessing the situation.

He emphasized that the targets of the raids were carefully chosen and were defensive, adding that this military action was based on intelligence information, which the Kurds and Iraqis contributed to developing, and it is related to the infrastructure used by these factions.

In response to the statements of the American President, Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Saeed Khatibzadeh said: “The American raid is a flagrant violation of Syria’s sovereignty and territorial integrity and will lead to the intensification of the military conflict and the exacerbation of instability in the region.”

He added: “The American raid comes as a continuation of the Zionist regime’s ongoing aggression on Syrian lands, and comes in light of the illegal entry of US forces into Syria in recent years, the occupation of areas of the country, and the plunder of natural resources, including oil, which is a natural right of the Syrian people.”

The Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman considered that “the American bases in Syria are illegal and train terrorist forces and use them as tools.”

The Pentagon announced that, on Thursday evening, US fighters launched raids on facilities in eastern Syria and belonging to Iranian-backed Iraqi armed factions, in response to missile attacks on American targets in Iraq.

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