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The United States of America announces its participation in the Brussels conference on Syria

In a statement issued by the American Mission to the United Nations, the United States of America announced its participation in an international donor conference on Syria, to be held in Brussels, by video call, on Monday and Tuesday.

The mission said, “The American permanent representative to the United Nations, Linda Thomas Greenfield, will lead the American delegation participating in the Brussels Fifth Conference on Supporting Syria, to be held by default on March 29-30.

The statement affirmed the United States’ commitment to the Syrian people and to work in partnership with the international community to help alleviate the suffering of Syrians.

The Statement pointed out that “the United States is the largest single contributor of humanitarian aid in Syria, and will continue to support multilateral efforts to seek a lasting solution to the conflict, expand humanitarian access across borders, and provide assistance to displaced Syrians and refugee-hosting communities.”

Today, Monday and Tuesday, the United Nations and the European Union will host a conference of international donors, with the aim of collecting the necessary funding for humanitarian activities provided to more than 11 million Syrians in need of aid.

Senior United Nations officials called on international donors and neighboring countries to increase aid to millions of Syrians affected by the war, before the Brussels Conference in Support of Syria to be held in the Belgian capital, according to the “Voice of America” ​​website.
Source: Agencies

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