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In English

Iraq.. Judge Who Presided Over Saddam’s Trial Dies of COVID-19

The Iraqi Judicial Council announced the death of Judge Muhammad Uraibi, who presided over the trial sessions of the late President Saddam Hussein and the pillars of his regime between 2004 and 2006.

The Supreme Judicial Council said in a statement: that Oreibi “passed away at the age of 52 from his infection with the Coronavirus.”

Oreibi was born in 1969 in the capital, Baghdad, and was appointed as an investigative judge at the Iraqi High Criminal Court in the trial of former President Saddam Hussein and his regime, on August 1, 2004.

Oreibi presided over the second body in the Iraqi High Criminal Court on September 20, 2006, which looked into the Anfal cases, the suppression of the popular uprising, Friday prayers, the bombing of Halabja and the liquidation of religious parties.

On November 5, 2006, the court issued its death sentence by hanging President Saddam Hussein and a number of his assistants, while the verdict was confirmed on December 26 of the same year and it was executed on the 30th of the same month.

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