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In English

Middle East: There is no longer a single sufficient solution in Syria

Asharq Al-Awsat newspaper said in a report, that the options on the table regarding the Syrian file suggest that “there is no longer a single sufficient solution for Syria, and there is no longer a magic formula that turns the table overnight.”

The newspaper explained that “time has become a necessary factor, as is integration between tracks and solutions.” Therefore, “the idea of ​​proposing a two-track solution has become the most acceptable one,” and stated that the first solution must be within an “international-regional track that takes place through an international conference with the participation of the players of the agreement.”

On the headings of the Syrian solution, ”as well as“ a Syrian-Syrian path to provide legitimacy and acceptance of the desired solution. ”

It pointed out that “the problem is that the Syrians’ clock is beating in the wake of suffering and its aggravation, and the watch of the players, especially America and Russia, is tuned to the rhythm of strategic patience associated with other files,” as she put it.

It noted that the political solution in Syria has been tested several times, but the only thing is that the political harvest was zero, with the “players” continuing to assert that the solution is not military, but political, and there is also a conviction that any political agreement between Syrians, if achieved by a miracle, will not
It constitutes a turning point in the course of the conflict.

Asharq Al-Awsat indicated that “removing Iran militarily” might be the point on which the demands of several parties from Damascus agree upon, noting that a peace agreement with Israel was proposed “behind closed doors.”

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