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In English

Saudi Foreign Minister: We hope that the Assad regime will take appropriate steps to find a political solution in Syria

The Saudi Foreign Minister, Faisal bin Farhan, said in an interview with CNN that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia hopes that the Assad regime will take appropriate steps to find a political solution, indicating that this is the only way forward in Syria.

Faisal bin Farhan said, in response to a question about whether Saudi Arabia plans to communicate with Bashar al-Assad, “There is a political process under the auspices of the United Nations and through which the Syrian opposition is involved with the Assad regime,” explaining that Saudi Arabia supports this process.

The Saudi Foreign Minister added that everyone needs the stability of Syria, and this requires a political solution, especially from the Assad regime, and concerted efforts between the Syrian opposition and the Assad regime to reach a formula that is satisfactory to all parties, and that there is no solution without the support of a political solution.

In response to a question about whether Saudi Arabia supports the Emirati position calling for the lifting of US sanctions on the Assad regime under the Caesar Act, Faisal bin Farhan explained that “Caesar’s law is a matter that Washington has taken regarding its position on Syria, and the important thing is to address the basic issue, which is finding a political solution.

He stressed that “Saudi Arabia focuses on pushing the political process forward, and then supporting the efforts of the United Nations to achieve this.”

The Saudi Foreign Minister, Faisal bin Farhan, during his participation in the Brussels conference of international donors for Syria, had confirmed that a political settlement under UN supervision is the only solution to the Syrian crisis, stressing that a political settlement is Saudi Arabia’s condition for contributing to the reconstruction in Syria.

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