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In English

The Assad regime’s applause council calls for “running” for the presidential elections and sets a date

The head of the “People’s Assembly” of the Assad regime announced Hammouda in the presidential elections in the country, and called upon those wishing to run to present their papers, and set the date for the polls.

During the day, an extraordinary session held by the “Council” this afternoon, Sunday, Sabbagh called on those wishing to run for the position of “President of the Republic” to apply for candidacy for the “Supreme Court” within ten days, tomorrow, Monday, April 19, and will end on Wednesday April 28.
Sabbagh called the Syrians at home, and inside the messages between them, “the presidential elections,” and set the date for the “voting” in the elections for Syrians abroad on Thursday, May 20.

While setting the date for “voting” for the Syrians on Wednesday, May 26, he claimed that the parliament would exercise its duty according to the constitution, “with all integrity”, in front of the candidates, as he claimed.

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