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Palestine calls on the Security Council to immediately intervene to stop the Israeli aggression on Gaza and the Al-Aqsa Mosque

Yesterday, Monday, Palestinian Prime Minister Muhammad Shtayyeh called on the UN Security Council to immediately intervene to stop the Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip and Al-Aqsa Mosque.

The Palestinian Prime Minister called on international human rights organizations to “condemn the Israeli aggression, which bears the warning of a dangerous escalation in the coming hours, in light of the threats issued by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.”

He also stressed the need for the UN Security Council to intervene to put an end to the continued Israeli aggression against Al-Aqsa Mosque.

Yesterday, Monday, the UN Security Council failed to reach an agreement on issuing a statement on the current situation in the occupied city of Jerusalem, according to statements to Anadolu Agency made by diplomatic sources at the United Nations.

The sources said that the failure of the council came due to reservations from the American delegation regarding the issuance of any statements from the council, claiming that this “will not help in improving the current situation in Jerusalem.”

The same sources said that negotiations will continue on a text that is expected to be softened compared to the initial document proposed by Norway to the fifteen members of the Security Council meeting that Tunisia was invited to convene.

This draft declaration, which was reviewed by the French Press Agency and submitted jointly with Tunisia and China, demanded that Israel stop the settlement, demolition and expulsion activities that inflict the Palestinians, “including in East Jerusalem.”

The document also included the Council’s expression of “grave concern over the escalation of tensions and acts of violence in the occupied West Bank, including East Jerusalem,” as the clashes left hundreds of wounded during the Monday alone.

It stressed “the importance of all parties refraining from taking unilateral measures that exacerbate tensions and undermine the viability of the two-state solution.”
The document also calls for “restraint, refraining from all provocation and inflammatory rhetoric, and preserving and respecting the historical status quo in the holy sites.”

A diplomatic source said that the United States made clear to its partners during the closed-door meeting by video link that it is “working behind the scenes” to calm the situation and “is not confident that issuing an announcement at this stage will help.”

The Israeli forces re-stormed the Al-Aqsa Mosque yesterday evening, Monday, and targeted the worshipers there with metal bullets, tear gas and sound canisters, which caused an increase in the number of Palestinian injuries to 520.

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