The Free Lawyers Syndicate calls on the United Nations to freeze Syria’s membership in the General Assembly and international organizations
The Free Lawyers Syndicate in northern Syria called on the United Nations and international institutions to freeze Syria’s membership in the United Nations General Assembly and all international organizations.
The Syndicate sent a message to the United Nations so that it and its institutions and states would not be a tool to legitimize the killing and terrorist regimes practiced by the Bashar al-Assad regime against the Syrian people.
The Secretary of the Bar Association, Yusef Hassan, told Radio Farsh: “The elections that Bashar al-Assad is holding are illegal with the unanimous consensus of most countries in the world and abroad.
Youssef Hassan added: “Bashar al-Assad’s candidacy for the presidential elections will not have any legitimacy and may contribute to the expulsion of Bashar al-Assad’s representatives in the United Nations and international organizations, and the failure to recognize the legitimacy of the presidential elections at the present time.”
It is noteworthy that al-Assad forces and the militias loyal to them are forcing civilians living under their control to vote for Bashar al-Assad, as the military security of the Assad regime began to conduct patrols and members of it for the tasks of informing the shopkeepers that any failure to elect Bashar al-Assad, during the next elections will be subject to arrest and imprisonment on ready charges.