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In English

70 new cases of COVID-19 were recorded in northern Syria

The Early Warning and Epidemic Response Network of the Support Coordination Unit announced today, Monday, the registration of 70 new infections with the Corona virus in northwestern Syria.

The network stated that 58 new cases of infection were recorded in the countryside of Aleppo and 12 in Idlib governorate, noting that the total number of infections in northwestern Syria rose to 25,189.

The Alert Network added that it conducted 421 new analyzes, bringing the total of analyzes in the governorates of Idlib and Aleppo to 149,872 analyses, noting that 181 cases of recovery from the virus were recorded, bringing the total recovery cases to 22,082 cases.

The Health Information System Unit of the Early Warning Network said that there was one death in Jarablus due to Corona and the infection of one health sector worker, in addition to 13 cases from displaced people inside the camps during the last 24 hours.

Yesterday, the Early Warning and Epidemic Response Network of the Support Coordination Unit announced the registration of one death and 30 new infections with the Corona virus, in the area of ​​Operation Peace Spring controlled by the Turkish and national armies, in the countryside of Raqqa and Hasaka.

The total number of cases in the Operation Peace Spring area reached 1,857, of which 22 died, while the total number of recovery cases reached 251.

The vaccination campaign against the Corona virus continues, in the liberated areas in northwestern Syria, under the supervision of the Syria Vaccine Team. On the morning of Saturday, May 1, 2021, the vaccination campaign against the Corona virus was launched in Idlib Governorate.

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