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In English

Israeli air strikes target several sites of the Assad regime, south and east of Aleppo

Yesterday evening, Israeli warplanes targeted several military sites belonging to the Assad regime forces and Iranian militias in the southern and eastern countryside of Aleppo, with air raids.

The SANA news agency, affiliated with the Assad regime, said: “The air strikes targeted the vicinity of Al-Safira area, the Scientific Research Center and the Kuwairis Military Airport, south and east of Aleppo Governorate.”

The agency added, quoting a military source, that “the air defense responded to the air attacks and managed to shoot down all the missiles.”

The agency did not clarify the losses suffered by the Assad regime forces as a result of the Israeli raids, and only talked about “confronting an Israeli aggression that targeted several military sites in Aleppo Governorate.”

Activists said: “Aleppo governorate witnessed a sudden general power outage following the raids.”

The Israeli warplanes launched air strikes on the ninth of last June, on sites belonging to the Assad regime in the vicinity of the governorates of Damascus and Aleppo, the first time after the presidential elections that took place in late May.

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