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In English

France condemns the attack of the Assad regime forces on the city of Daraa

France condemned the attack of the Assad regime forces on the city of Daraa, considering that Daraa is one of the symbols of suffering in Syria for a decade.
In a statement on its Twitter account, the “French Diplomat” stated that the attack confirms the inability to establish stability in all Syrian areas under the control of the Assad regime.

The statement added that the Syrian tragedy will not end until a comprehensive and credible political process based on the various components of Resolution No. 2254 of the United Nations Security Council is launched.

France affirmed, through its statement, its commitment to combating impunity for the perpetrators of violations of international humanitarian law and human rights.

It is noteworthy that 18 civilians, including four children, were killed as a result of the recent bombing of the Assad regime forces and the confrontations that took place in several areas in Daraa.

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