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The International Commission of Inquiry on Syria: The conditions in Syria are not suitable for the safe return of Syrian refugees

The Independent International Commission of Inquiry on Syria considered that the current situation in Syria is not suitable for the return of refugees, pointing to the return of escalation and violence to the north and south of the country.

The head of the commission, “Paulo Pinheiro,” said in a report published by the commission on human rights violations in Syria between the period from July 1 to July 30: “The pace of violence has renewed in different Syrian regions, and the perpetration of hostilities by the parties to the conflict is still continuing.”

He added that the 10-year war has caused the deaths of hundreds of thousands of civilians, the continuation of crimes and violations against them, and the difficulty of finding a safe haven for them in the country devastated by the war, stressing that the Assad regime now controls 70 percent of the country, while it has not taken the initiative to Any initiative for negotiation, indicating that he continues to commit crimes.

He pointed to the Assad regime’s continued arbitrary arrest and enforced disappearance, stressing that the committee continues to document violations and crimes against the arrested and forcibly disappeared, pointing out that the current situation in the country is not suitable for the safe and dignified return of Syrian refugees.
For her part, committee member Karen Koning considered that the situation in Syria is constantly getting more difficult, especially with the escalation of violence and the collapse of the economy.

According to the committee’s report, “the crimes of the International Coalition, the Assad regime and the Syrian Democratic Forces amount to war crimes.”

It is noteworthy that the report of the Independent Commission of Inquiry that Syria concluded in March of last year that all parties to the conflict in Syria committed war crimes, with the Assad regime at the top of the list with the largest record of crimes.

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