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In English

The Early Warning Network records 10 deaths and 468 new cases of COVID-19 in northwest Syria

The Early Warning Network recorded in its latest statistics on September 25, 2021, 468 new infections with Corona virus in northwestern Syria, bringing the number of infections to 68,123.

According to the report issued by the Epidemiological Surveillance Laboratory of the Early Warning Network, 468 cases of coronavirus were recorded, after 848 new analyzes were conducted, while the recovery cases rose to 34,713 cases after 448 cases of recovery were recorded.

According to the observatory, the number of deaths related to the virus rose to 1,117 after 10 new deaths were recorded.

The Health Information System Unit of the Early Warning Network said that 11 deaths from previous deaths due to infection with the Corona virus have been classified, and that the daily positive rate is 55.01 percent, indicating that there are 111 cases of corona infected with the displaced inside the camps.

The campaign to vaccinate people with chronic diseases, the elderly, health and humanitarian workers against the Corona virus continues, in the liberated areas in northwestern Syria, under the supervision of the Syria Vaccine Team.

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