Assad regime forces threaten to bomb the towns of Sayda and al-Naima east of Daraa
Assad regime forces have brought 50 buses loaded with militants into the towns of Sayda and al-Naima east of Daraa, aiming to threaten those who refused to strike “reconciliation” operations.
The security committee has demanded to handover 40 weapons for each town, which led to a dispute between the security committee of the Assad regime and its dignitaries and the people of Sayda, over the quantity of weapons to be delivered to the regime forces, according to the agreement they reached on Saturday.
Assad regime forces have threatened to bomb with heavy artillery the towns of Sayda and al-Naima east of Daraa and displace wanted men who refused to strike a reconciliation northern Syria if they did not submit and handover their weapons, a few hours after striking the reconciliation operations in the area.
It is worth noting that those who refused to strike reconciliations and hand over their personal weapons belong to the Russian-backed Fifth Corps, and is led by Ahmed al-Awda, whose sources reported that he left secretly to Jordan on October 7, before the reconciliations reached the region.