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In English

New cases of COVID-19 were recorded in northwestern Syria

The Early Warning and Epidemic Response Network of the Support Coordination Unit announced the registration of 5 deaths and 422 new infections with Covid-19 during the last 24 hours in northwest of Syria.

The network said that 329 new cases of Covid-19 were recorded in Idlib governorate and 93 in Aleppo countryside, bringing the total number of infections in northern Syria to 85,330 and the number of recovery cases to 49,098, after recording 178 new recovery cases.

While the death toll in northern Syria reached 1,677, with recording 5 new cases, and the total number of cases tested yesterday reached 760, which raises the number of analyzes to 294,177 tests in northern Syria.

Most of the Syrian regions are witnessing a widespread outbreak of Corona virus, with hundreds of infections are recorded daily, and it increases significantly in the liberated areas in northern Syria, amid warnings of the consequences of the epidemic getting out of control as hospitals reached the upper limit of their capacity.

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