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In English

Poland plans to build a border wall to prevent the flow of refugees to Europe

The German newspaper Bild reported in a report that the Polish government plans to build a wall on the border with Belarus to stop the flow of refugees from the Belarusian side to Poland.

The report indicated that thousands of refugees from Syria, Afghanistan and Iraq arriving at Minsk airport are heading towards the Polish border, where Belarusian smugglers delude them that jumping across the border into Poland is very easy as if it were a “children’s game”, and Germany is a few kilometers away.

According to the newspaper, the Polish government intends to build a wall soon, 400 kilometers long and two and a half meters high, to completely close the border, as it should prevent the influx of more refugees across the eastern border of the European Union.

The construction of the wall has not yet begun, but there are 6,000 border guards patrolling with hundreds of police officers in a restricted area completely closed to foreigners, journalists, lawyers and doctors. Residents are only allowed to go to work, visit a doctor or church in a strip approximately 5 km wide.

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