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In English

US State Department document classifies Syrians among the list of “displaced nationalities”

An official US State Department document classified Syrian citizens on the list of “displaced nationalities,” in addition to citizens of several countries, including Russia.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a document on the 21st of this month, specifying the nationalities of people who want to travel to the United States but are unable to obtain a travel visa due to the absence of a US embassy in those countries.

The list document included, in addition to the Syrians, citizens of several countries, including Cuba, Iran, Somalia, Yemen, South Sudan, Venezuela, Libya and Eritrea.

The document indicated that Syrians wishing to travel to the United States can obtain a travel visa by going to the American embassies in Beirut and Amman.
According to the Foreign Ministry document, Libyan citizens can obtain an American visa by submitting their papers to the American embassy in Tunisia, and for Iranians, they can go to the embassies in Abu Dhabi, Ankara or Berivan in Armenia.

The United States had issued a decision years ago, according to which it granted “temporary protection” to Syrians who entered its territory after 2012, during the era of former President Barack Obama.

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