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In English

The Pentagon: We are keen to keep communication channels open with Moscow in Syria

On Monday, Pentagon spokesman John Kirby confirmed that Washington is keen to keep communication channels open with Moscow in Syria.

John Kirby refused to comment on Moscow’s deployment of its aircraft in eastern Syria near US forces, saying: “I cannot speak about the deployment of Russian forces and capabilities in Syria.

Kirby added that the United States has communication channels with the Russian side to prevent quarrels “to make sure there are no miscalculations and unintended consequences.”

Kirby’s comments come in response to reports about Moscow’s deployment of “Sukhoi-35” combat aircraft at Qamishli Airport in northeastern Syria.

The Russian ANNA News Agency revealed the intention of the Russian forces stationed in Syria to deploy many of its combat aircraft and helicopters at Qamishli Airport in northeastern Syria.

A mechanism to avoid accidents and clashes between Russian and American forces was used during operations in Syria under the memorandum of understanding signed on October 20, 2015, and the communication process crystallized through a hotline to prevent any military collision.

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