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Autonomous Administration: Russia has exaggerated the Turkish attack against us to achieve its interests

Al-Raqqa Civil Council of the “Self-Management”, the civilian wing of the Syrian Democratic Forces, accused Russia of exaggerating and exaggerating the Turkish military operation against its areas of control in northeastern Syria.

Yesterday, Monday, a leader in the Civil Council in Raqqa, affiliated to the administration, said: “Russia exaggerated the Turkish operation against the Syrian and Democratic Forces and worked to promote it, in order to achieve its own interests.”

The leader added, “The Civil Council delegation in Raqqa accused the Russian forces of exaggerating the possible Turkish attack against the northeastern region of Syria, in order to put pressure on them and push them to make concessions in favor of the Assad regime forces,” according to “Al-Sharq al-Awsat” newspaper.

The statements of Raqqa Civil Council’s leader came after a meeting held a few days ago, between a delegation from the international coalition forces to fight ISIS and the US army, with leaders from the Syrian Democratic Forces and the Civil Council in Raqqa governorate affiliated to the “Autonomous Administration”, to discuss another Updates related to the Syrian file and discuss the accelerating field developments and the escalation of Turkish threats to launch a military operation in northeastern Syria, according to Asharq Al-Awsat newspaper.

The commander confirmed that they had received “assurances from the coalition forces and American forces” that they would remain in the area and continue operations against the cells of the “Islamic State” organization that have recently been active in Raqqa Governorate, in addition to promises to continue working to achieve stability in the region.

It is noteworthy that Russia, with every Turkish threat to launch a military operation against the Syrian Democratic Forces, is working to push military reinforcements from its forces to the east of the Euphrates, in addition to exerting pressure to push the first forces to make concessions that are in its interest and the interests of the Assad regime forces.

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