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In English

The White House resolves the controversy over the possibility of Assad’s return to its Arab surroundings

The White House Coordinator for the Middle East and North Africa, Brett McGurk, said during his speech at the “Manama Dialogue 17” forum, “The process of normalization that some Arab countries are conducting with the Assad regime is unreal, and they will not be able to return it to the incubator of the Arab League.”

Makgurk added, “In light of the continued existence of (that regime), any attempt at international openness to Syria will be impossible and far from achievable.”

Makgork stressed that the Assad regime will not be able to return to its Arab surroundings.

The White House Coordinator for the Middle East and North Africa commented on the US withdrawal from the region, saying: “What happened with the Afghan file is a special thing, and that his country will not leave the region (the Middle East) as it is an important, sensitive and turbulent region,” stressing, “that his country has interests It relates to that presence and it will not leave the region and go far.”

Makgork considered that his country’s military commitment in the northwestern region of Syria and the defense of Israel’s security are among the essential issues of the United States in the Middle East.

Regarding the Iranian attack on the American base in Al-Tanf in Syria recently, Makgork indicated that his country responded to that attack in its own way, explaining that Washington does not necessarily announce its response to the attack, stressing that his country will not succumb to threats from Iran. And it will not leave it room to change Washington’s policies in the region.

The US official’s speech comes after a number of Arab countries, led by Jordan and the UAE, publicly normalized their relations with the Assad regime, and Algeria called on some countries to accept his return to his seat in the Arab League during the summit that it will host early next year.

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