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In English

“Cham Wings” launches the first flight from Damascus to Abu Dhabi

Cham Wings Airlines announced the launch of its first direct flight from Damascus Airport to the Emirate of Abu Dhabi, despite its inclusion in the US sanctions list.

The company’s commercial director, Hamdi Khalaf, said in a statement to the Assad regime’s media agency, “SANA,” that “operating the Abu Dhabi station is a first step, which will be followed by other steps to cooperate in the field of flights with other countries.”

Cham Wings explained that “This step comes within the company’s expansion to reach external destinations ,and arriving to Abu Dhabi comes to fulfill the travelers’ needs and activate the air and commercial movements in general between the two countries”.

“Cham Wings”, which is included in the US Penal Code, made its first flight to Abu Dhabi, on Friday, where The company’s director of development and public relations,, Osama Satea, said that the flight carried 147 passengers.

The UAE is the first Arab country to normalize its diplomatic relations with the Assad regime, and to open its embassy in Damascus in 2018, after a seven-year closure following the outbreak of the Syrian revolution, and this normalization was reinforced after the visit of UAE Foreign Minister Abdullah bin Zayed, the Syrian capital, Damascus on the ninth of the month Al-Jari is at the head of a diplomatic delegation, and they are received by the President of the regime, Bashar al-Assad.

The United States expressed its “concern” about the visit, denouncing the efforts being made to float a “brutal dictator” and a “perpetrator of atrocities” and a regime that is still making efforts to “deprive the greater part of the country of humanitarian aid and security.”

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