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The Early Warning Network records more than 80 COVID-19 cases in northwest Syria

Yesterday, northwestern Syria recorded more than 80 COVID-19 cases, bringing the total number of infections to 92,155 since the virus began spreading.

According to the report issued by the Epidemiological Surveillance Laboratory of the Early Warning Network, 86 cases of coronavirus were recorded on Monday, November 29, after 648 new analyzes were conducted, while the number of people recovered reached 212, 120 of them in Idlib governorate, and 92 in the “Olive Branch” and “Euphrates Shield” areas, bringing the number to 62,173 cases of recovery.

The infections were distributed among the cities and towns of Idlib governorate, the governorate recorded 54 infections, while the cities and towns of the northern and eastern Aleppo countryside recorded 32 infections.

In the past hours, 3 deaths were recorded, bringing the number of deaths to 2,243 since the virus began spreading in northwest Syria, according to the epidemiological surveillance laboratory.

For his part, Yasser Farrouh, the official in charge of the COVID-19 vaccine campaign in northwestern Syria, called for an increase in the proportion of vaccines to confront the new mutant “Omicron” if it reaches the region.

Warnings are increasing from the World Health Organization, about the new mutant of Corona virus, as the organization stated, that the spread of the new mutant of the virus is faster than the mutant “Delta”.

It is noteworthy that the number of analyzes that have been conducted has reached 317,241 since the pandemic outbreak in the middle of last year.

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