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In English

The coalition welcomes the European Union’s position on rejecting normalization with the Assad regime

The head of the Syrian National Coalition, Salem al-Maslat, said, “We welcome the European Union’s recent position on rejecting normalization with the Assad regime, which confirms the firmness of its position towards the situation in Syria.”

This came in a tweet to him on Twitter, in which he stressed that the position of the European Union is clear evidence of non-recognition of the “criminal” Assad regime.

Al-Maslat added, “The European Union has completely refused to restore its diplomatic relationship with the Assad regime,” calling for practical steps to hold war crimes accountable in Syria.

He stressed the need to support effective measures to achieve the political transition and democratic transition in Syria, to ensure that justice is achieved and not to engage in projects to normalize relations with the Assad regime.

Arab countries, including the UAE and Jordan, are leading the trend of normalization with the Assad regime, by signing economic and diplomatic agreements, in addition to seeking to return it to the Arab League.

The EU’s High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Josep Borrell, said during the Mediterranean Dialogue Conference in Rome: “The EU does not politically recognize the Assad regime, and does not want to cooperate with it.” Source: agencies

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