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In English

The Arab League reveals its position concerning Assad regime’s return to its next summit

The Assistant Secretary-General of the Arab League, Mohamed Saleh bin Issa, announced that the Arab League strongly supports the return of the Assad regime’s seat in the upcoming Arab summit to be held in Algeria in March 2022.

In a statement to the official Egyptian news agency, Asharq Al-Awsat, Muhammad Saleh said that the Arab League had made great efforts to facilitate the return of the Assad regime to its Arab surroundings.

He pointed out that the Assad regime must regain its seat in the Arab League, and it is time to unite ranks in order to preserve the interests of the Syrian people,” noting that “it is time to reach a solution that satisfies the majority of Arab countries.”

Muhammad Saleh explained that Egypt, Algeria, Tunisia and Iraq are working to return Syria to the Arab League, despite the opposition of some other Arab countries, without naming it, noting that the return of the Assad regime would restore a calm atmosphere to the Arab family.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs of the State of Qatar, Muhammad bin Abdul Rahman, announced during a press conference in the Qatari capital, Doha, that the reasons and concerns that prompted the suspension of the Assad regime’s membership in the Arab League still exist, pointing to the impossibility of normalization with the Assad regime.

He stressed, “It is not possible to normalize relations without finding a political solution and returning refugees and displaced persons to their areas, and we are not in a position to allow the Assad regime to attend the Arab summit, hoping that countries will understand the matter.”

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