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In English

Denmark is suing a company that violated the European embargo on Syria

A Danish fuel trading company and its CEO were convicted on Tuesday for delivering large quantities of kerosene destined for the Russian Air Force to Syria in a rare lawsuit for violating the Western embargo on the country.

The Danish court’s conviction comes from the “Bunkering” company for selling about 172,000 tons of fuel to Russian forces between 2015 and 2017.

In the details, the court sentenced the CEO of Bunker Holdings to four months in prison, in addition to fining two companies affiliated with the group to pay 5 million euros as a fine for violating the European embargo imposed on Syria by selling jet fuel to two Russian companies working for the Russian forces, according to what the french agency reported.

The agency indicated that the quantities that were sold to two Russian companies working for the Russian forces, estimated at about 90 million euros, were delivered in 33 batches through the port of Banias, pointing out that these quantities were used to supply Russian warplanes in Syria.

The Danish prosecutor demanded a four-year suspended prison sentence for Banker Holdings CEO Kild Demant, and a fine of 34 million kroner (4.6 million euros) on two companies affiliated with the parent group.

It is noteworthy that the European Union has imposed sanctions on the Assad regime since the end of 2011, for its use of force against the Syrians, and for its security services’ violation of them. To ban the sale of oil to the latter.

It is noteworthy that, on October 16, the European Union imposed sanctions on 7 ministers in the new government of the Assad regime, bringing the total number of individuals covered by European sanctions to 280, including officers and businessmen.

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