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In English

Turkey announces the end of the Eid holiday for Syrian refugees

The Bab al-Hawa crossing administration announced in a statement that the deadline for the return of Syrian refugees to Turkey is Friday, December 31, 2021, for the Syrians who entered through the Bab al-Hawa crossing to Syria to spend the Eid holiday.

In an exclusive interview with Fresh Online, the director of public relations and media in Bab al-Hawa, Mazen Alloush, said: “The administration issued yesterday, the date for the end of the leave period on Friday, 31/12/2021, after which the citizen will lose his right to return to Turkey.”

Alloush added that “the crossing did not face any problems during the visitors’ crossing into Syria and their departure to Turkey, hoping to receive them on another vacation next year.”

Alloush noted, “That the visitors must return according to the specified period from Syria to Turkey, otherwise the citizen will lose his right to return.”

Alloush explained, “The number of visitors reached about 45,000 citizens, of whom about 41,000 have returned until today.”

It is noteworthy that Turkey allowed thousands of Syrians this year to enter Syria to spend the blessed Eid al-Adha vacation, after a break of a year and a half, due to the spread of the Corona pandemic and the measures taken to confront the disease.

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