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In English

A decrease in the number of daily Covid-19 infections in northwestern Syria

Northwestern Syria is witnessing a noticeable decline in the number of infections and deaths related to the Corona virus, according to the Epidemiological Surveillance Laboratory of the Early Warning Network.

According to the informant, 20 new covid-19 infections were recorded yesterday, Tuesday, in northwest Syria, bringing the total number of infections to 92,831.

The informant announced the registration of 13 cases of coronavirus in Idlib governorate, and 7 cases in the northern and eastern Aleppo countryside.

The number of covid-19 recoveries rose to 66,427, after 241 new recovery cases were recorded during the past hours.

While the number of covid-19 deaths rose to 2,299, according to the report issued by the Epidemiological Surveillance Laboratory of the Early Warning Network.

Warnings are increasing from the World Health Organization, about the new mutant of the Corona virus, as the organization stated, that the spread of the new mutant of the virus is faster than the mutant“Delta”.

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