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Movements to hold a symposium for the Syrian opposition in Doha

The Syrian opposition, Nimrod Suleiman, revealed that the former Prime Minister, Riad Hijab, is leading a movement to hold a dialogue symposium for the Syrian opposition in the Qatari capital, Doha.

Writer and journalist Nimrod Suleiman said about the symposium that is being prepared in an interview with Fresh: “I contacted Dr. Riad Hijab about this issue, and he mentioned in his talk that the Syrian people have suffered and are suffering from killing, arrest, asylum and displacement, and hunger has recorded record numbers, so we decided to invite all Syrian components such as the coalition, the coordination body, the Cairo and Moscow platforms, in addition to a large group of research centers, human rights organizations, and civil society groups, to discuss during a scientific symposium the Syrian issue and its problems and develop appropriate solutions to the outstanding problems.”

“Sulaiman” stated that there is no specific project for the symposium and no pre-names, according to what Dr. Riad Hijab told him, and that during the symposium this will be discussed and a project for a solution will be sought, and solutions will become clear after the discussions.

He explained that when the military solution fails, and the political solution enters a dead end, other solutions will be sought, and that this symposium will discuss the establishment of a new political entity for the various opposition blocs.

Suleiman expected that the symposium would witness a state of conflict between the patriotic Syrian opponents who think about the Syrian people and their connection to Syria, and those associated with regional and international countries who have turned into tools for these countries, stressing that the current time requires all opposition blocs to work on finding a unified Syrian entity far away from the loyalty of foreign countries.

The dialogue symposium for the components of the Syrian opposition will be held with the participation of research centers and humanitarian organizations on February 22nd, in the Qatari capital, Doha.

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