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In English

Representative in the US Congress criticizes Biden’s policy towards Syria

French Hill, a member in the US Congress, said on Monday: “Joe Biden’s policy towards Syria does not exceed media statements, in light of the rising American voices calling for greater action against the Assad regime.”

This came in an interview with Asharq Al-Awsat newspaper, during which he stressed that Washington should not be lenient with the Assad regime, especially with regard to its drug trade, and ease the sanctions imposed on it (Caesar).

Hill added: “The Biden administration is required to adopt a clear and strong strategy and policy towards Bashar al-Assad, in fighting the drug trade, which he considered a direct threat on US national security.

Hill stressed that his initiative aims to enact a law in the House of Representatives, requiring the US administration to develop a joint strategy between federal agencies, to disrupt and dismantle drug production and trafficking in Syria, and affiliated networks linked to the Bashar al-Assad regime.

“I think we will continue to see news of how badly the US administration has dealt with Syria,” he added. And if Afghanistan is an example of how this administration behaves, I fully expect that they will try to covertly normalize with Assad. Nevertheless, I was delighted to see an executive order imposing sanctions on foreigners involved in the global illicit drug trade.”
He warned against the unwillingness to strictly implement Caesar’s Law, which could open the door to legitimizing the Assad regime.

The New York Times investigation revealed that Captagon laboratories are spread mainly in Assad regime-controlled areas.

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