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The most prominent violations of the Assad regime and the Syrian Democratic Forces in northern Syria within a month

The Documentation Directorate of Human Rights Violations in the “Syrian Interim Government” published its monthly report that reviewed the most prominent violations of the Assad regime and the Syrian Democratic Forces in northern Syria during the past month, November 2021.

The report documented the death toll (victims and wounded) in the liberated north. The civilian death toll reached 15 victims (7 men, 4 women and 4 children), and the number of wounded reached 49 (30 men, two women and 17 children), their injuries vary, some of them very serious.

The report confirmed the responsibility of the Assad regime and its allies for the killing of 12 civilians (5 men, 3 women and 4 children), and the injury of 30 civilians (18 men, one woman and 11 children) with various degrees of injuries.

The report also clarified the violations of the Syrian Democratic Forces and their responsibility for killing 3 civilians (two men and one woman), and wounding 19 civilians (12 men, one woman and 6 children) with various degrees of injuries.

The report clarified that Assad regime carried out 114 major operations targeting the Syrian liberated cities, towns and villages with various types of weapons. The outcome of targeting the liberated areas by the Syrian Democratic Forces amounted to 8 operations, and the criminal Assad regime forces committed a horrific massacre in Maarat Misrin city on 11/11/2021.

The report mentioned the continuation of enforced disappearance and systematic torture crimes against thousands of Syrians in the prisons and cells of the Assad regime, as well as the forced conscription, and the suffering of forcibly displaced Syrians in camps and temporary shelters continues as a result of harsh living conditions, unemployment, food insecurity and basic life necessities.

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