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In English

Response Coordination Group: The interruption of support for some medical facilities in northern Syria portends a humanitarian catastrophe

The Syria Response Coordination Group said that the areas of northern Syria are suffering from a humanitarian catastrophe, after the interruption of support provided to several humanitarian organizations working in the area, and warned of catastrophic consequences after that.

The Group called on in a statement all parties supporting the medical sector in northern Syria to return the support provided to those hospitals and facilities, especially in light of the possibility of a new wave Covid-19 in the region.

The statement warned against “stopping the support for the aforementioned medical facilities, especially with the increase in pressure on other facilities and their inability to provide services to all civilians in the region, and warned all parties of the catastrophic consequences of stopping the support provided to the medical sector, and fears are increasing of the spread of diseases and epidemics in the northern Syrian region.

The Group talked about the interruption of support for 18 medical facilities that provided services to more than one and a half million civilians, residing in northwestern Syria, amid growing fears that other new facilities will stop.

The statement added, “We in the Syrian Response Coordination Group, based on humanitarian principles, declared our support for any advocacy campaign to return the support provided by donors to medical institutions and cadres at all medical points and hospitals, and reactivating a number of previously suspended centers.”

The Group appealed to all humanitarian organizations and bodies deployed in the north of Syria to “full solidarity with medical activities, and to help restore support to medical facilities in northern Syria.”

About four million people live in northern Syria, a large part of whom are displaced in camps, lacking job opportunities, and most of them suffer from poverty, and they need the most basic necessities of life.

On Tuesday, the United Nations announced the extension of the mechanism for the delivery of humanitarian aid to Syria through the Bab al-Hawa border crossing, until the tenth of next July, without a vote in the Security Council.

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