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European-Turkish discussions on global developments, especially Syria and Ukraine

Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan discussed with the British Prime Minister Boris Johnson the recent developments in the Syrian and Ukrainian files, as well as regional and global matters.

This came during a phone call held by the president Erdoğan with the Prime Minister Boris Johnson to discuss the recent developments in Syria and Ukraine, and the steps to strengthen cooperation between Turkey and the United Kingdom, mainly in the field of defense industry and trade.

The Turkish president said, criticizing his country’s failure to receive adequate support from the European Union: “Without our efforts, the migrant crisis would have exacerbated, the loss of life would have increased, terrorism would have become more ferocious, and chaos would have spread over a wider geographical area.”

He added, “We have conducted high-level visits and talks, and held dialogue meetings concerning the climate, security, migration and health, but unfortunately we did not see the response that we are waiting for from the European Union.”

Erdogan had stressed, during a meeting with the ambassadors of the European Union countries at the Cankaya Palace in the capital, Ankara, that the European Union did not support Turkey’s efforts to establish housing and infrastructure projects in areas liberated from “terrorism” in northern Syria.

Source: agencies

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