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SNHR documents the death of 161 civilians in Syria during last February

161 civilians, including children and women, were killed in Syria last February by the various parties to the conflict, according to what the Syrian Network for Human Rights documented in a report.

Yesterday, Tuesday, the network released its monthly report that documented cases of human rights violations in Syria. The report indicated that “161 civilians were killed last February, including 28 children and 6 women, and 66 individuals killed under torture.”

The network documented a significant increase in the death toll during the past month, holding the Assad regime forces the responsibility for the death of 77 people out of the total number of deaths, which formed 48 percent of the total number, according to the report.

The report indicated that 11 civilians were killed by the Syrian Democratic Forces, which control the northeastern region of Syria.

The report indicated that 67 civilians, including 21 children and 3 women, were killed by unnamed armed parties.

The report stated, “The Assad regime forces are responsible for killing the largest number of civilians, accounting for approximately 48%, while other parties accounting for 42%, and Damascus Suburbs governorate topped the rest of the Syrian governorates with the largest death toll, with approximately 42%, followed by Idlib with 20%, and Aleppo by 16%.”

The report notes that 66 people were killed under torture in the detention centers of the various parties, 62 of them were killed by the Assad regime forces, one person was killed by the Syrian Democratic Forces, while another was killed by unnamed parties.

Evidence collected by the Syrian Network for Human Rights indicates that the attacks were directed against civilians, while the bombing operations have resulted in the destruction of several facilities and residential homes, according to the report.

The network called on the Security Council to take additional steps following its adoption of Resolution 2254, and stresses the importance of referring the Syrian case to the International Criminal Court, adding that all those involved in perpetrating crimes against humanity and war crimes should be held accountable.

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