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A new round of negotiations will be held in Turkey… And Russia intensifies its attacks on Mariupol

A new round of negotiations will be held today between the Ukrainian and Russian delegations in the Turkish city of Istanbul in an attempt to reach an agreement on a cease-fire.

Dmitry Peskov said: “There was little progress on the idea of ​​a possible meeting between Russian President Vladimir Putin and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, and that there had been no breakthroughs in negotiations with Ukraine.

Russian forces have intensified their attacks on Mariupol city. The Ukrainian presidential adviser said:  “About 5,000 people were buried, and burials stopped 10 days ago due to the increased bombing.”

In addition, German Economy Minister Robert Habeck announced that the “Group of Seven” countries considered Russia’s demand to pay for Russian gas in rubles unacceptable and showed that President Vladimir Putin was in trouble.

In turn, the Kremlin threatened to cut off gas supplies if the West and the countries of the European Union insisted on refusing to pay its value in the Russian currency. Peskov said that his country will not pump gas for free, adding that the relevant Russian departments are currently discussing, in cooperation with “Gazprom”, the details of transferring payments for natural gas exported to “unfriendly countries” into the Russian ruble.

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