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In English

Russia asks the United States to withdraw its forces from Syria

Russia’s ambassador to the U.N, Vassily Nebenzia, asked the US to withdraw its forces from Syria, considering that this means the rapid and inevitable elimination of the terrorist presence in Syria.

The Russian News Agency “TASS” quoted Nebenzia’s demand through Security Council session on threats to the international peace and security caused by the terrorist acts.

Nebenzia explained that Russian forces targeted with airstrike a group of militants of “Shuhada al-Qaryatayn Brigade” stationed at al-Tanaf base under the control of the US army.

Nebenzia added that the terrorist groups are hiding in areas not controlled by the Assad regime. He stressed that it is important to completely eliminate the rest of the international terrorist sites in Syria.

The Russian Ministry of Defense had accused the members of the group that it targeted of conducting acts of sabotage against the civilian population and civilian infrastructure in Syria.

It is noteworthy that the “Shuhada al-Qaryatayn Brigade” is one of the Syria’s revolutionary factions that was located in al-Tanf area in the Syrian al-Badia desert, and its members moved in 2017 to areas in northern Syria.

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