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Washington welcomes the ICRC’s appointment of a special coordinator for Northeast Syria

US Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman tweeted that her country welcomes the International Committee of the Red Cross’s appointment of a new Special coordinator for northeast Syria in order to facilitate the return of detainees in the camps controlled by the Syrian Democratic Forces.

Sherman confirmed that “the appointment of the coordinator will play a significant role in improving the conditions at al-Hol camp and other detention centers in northeast Syria, pointing out that her country urges the countries to offer their support by repatriating their nationals.”

The International Committee of the Red Cross announced in a statement last Monday the appointment of a Special Coordinator in the Syrian Democratic Forces-controlled areas in northeast Syria.

The International Committee of the Red Cross’s statement mentioned that the appointment of the Coordinator came after consultations with several concerned countries on the sideline of the UN General Assembly’s meetings in New York. The Coordinator will work with the countries, counterpart organizations, and other concerned actors.

The statement indicated that more than 58,000 people of multiple nationalities suffer from poor access to health services and adequate food.

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